Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How to get my hair like this??

Currently my hair is in medium layers and longish bangs, i want my bangs to look like this though:


I've taken pictures to various salons and they all say its not really in the cut, that they just push the bangs to the side but it doesn't work for me!! I part my hair to the side but my bangs are just THERE like part of the hair [ but yes they are bangs ] I straighten my hair, and i try to push them to one side, and i sleep with hair clips to keep it to one side but it doesnt help! If someone could PLEASE PLEASE give me a thorough explanation of how to get your hair like this....it would be the best! I've tried to get my hair like this forever and I never can! Please! =)

How to get my hair like this??

You know, I think I had the same problem, flat hair. It doesn't really look like bangs because they blend too much. I tries using my flat iron to kinda curl it to give more volume, but my hair never really cooperated, so you can try that. I think you'll need some kind of heat or something to help it along. Also I sleep with my bangs pinned to the side so it's forced to the side as well. Good luck.

How to get my hair like this??

exstensions dye it and create volume get gloss

How to get my hair like this??


How to get my hair like this??

Tease it lightly at the top

Straighten your hair first and then tease the top

If you dont know how to tease your hair then here is a short explanation

pick up portions of your hair and comb your hair backwards..like towards your scalp..and then fluff it kind of.. it will go where you want to a little eiser and that what Jessica does to hers..It takes practice

look up how to tease hair if you need more help with it

but I do my hair like that and thats how

How to get my hair like this??

maybe you should tease your hair a little on the base but it depends what kind of hair you have. Blow dry it with a brush and tease the base a little

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