Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What to do with my "baby hair"!???

Okay, so, I've got these "baby hairs" at the sides of my hair (right on top of my ears) and they are soooo annoying because no matter what I do, they won't freakin' STAY DOWN!!!!!

I've tried putting bobby pins and clips to keep them down but it looks soo weird!!! And plus, they're about 4 inches long so when I tie my hair in a ponytail, they can't reach so they're just like hanging there from my scalp and they make me look like I have horns!!! AAAARRGHHH!!! But I imagine myself not having "baby hairs" when I keep my hair pony tailed, and I look pretty!!!

They're the ONLY things that make me look ugly !! I HATE MY BABY HAIR!!! I am soo annoyed with them!!

Does anyone at all have a solution to my problem??!!



What to do with my "baby hair"!???

Well depending on how far up they are you could shave them off or use those flat snap clips, the kind you bend and they open with kind of a snap and push them the other way and they close. They lay flat on the head and come in many colors sizes and styles. Take care.

What to do with my "baby hair"!???

Cut them?

What to do with my "baby hair"!???

.I spray a little bit of hair spray and slick them down with a fine toothed comb. Seems to work for me and it they stay down all day

What to do with my "baby hair"!???

have you tried straightening them? then you could cut bangs and even it all out.

those baby hair things are most likely because you tie your hair up when its wet into a ponytail and it breaks and damages the hair. condition well and you could get rid of them all together

What to do with my "baby hair"!???

forget them there are many more important issues than what u think

What to do with my "baby hair"!???

Quit being so self critical. I'm sure you look fine.

What to do with my "baby hair"!???

try dampening your hair and tying a scarf on your hed at night when you sleep. Maybe by doing this you can train your hair to lay in a different direction. and then apply the gel or hair putty on them when you style your hair in the morning.

What to do with my "baby hair"!???

yup, don't cut them coz they will grow naturally and become unnoticeable...i observed that there is a stage when these baby hairs grow but only for the meantime...just be patient...try using hair spray to level them with the rest of the hair.

What to do with my "baby hair"!???

hairspray it down

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
