Saturday, August 1, 2009

Westie grooming question. If the hair is kept matt free, does it need to be clipped in hot weather?

Our Westie is about 5, and I have been grooming him myself so he doesn't come from a groomer looking like a cocker spaniel. His skin and hair is healthy and matt free, and he looks like a showdog! Its been very hot lately, and wonder if I should cut it somewhat for his own comfort. He seems healthy, just isn't running as much in the heat.

Westie grooming question. If the hair is kept matt free, does it need to be clipped in hot weather?

It's not necessary to cut the coat in hot weather, as their coats are designed to keep them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The coat will keep the wind and cold air out in the winter and allow the body heat to keep the dog warm. In the summer the coat protects from the sun and helps shield the dog from the high heat, helping to maintain a stable temperature. So long as he has access to shade and water, he should be okay playing outside for short periods of time with his full coat.

Westie grooming question. If the hair is kept matt free, does it need to be clipped in hot weather?

If it's matt free, and the undercoat is well brushed out, then he SHOULD be fine, but if you're worried or if he has a heavy coat you could have the groomer cut him down to about an inch long all over, so he still has protection from the sun and bugs.

If your groomer is sending him home looking like a cocker spaniel, perhaps you need a new groomer......

No matter how much hair, during very hot weather they will be less active.

Westie grooming question. If the hair is kept matt free, does it need to be clipped in hot weather?

as long as its matt free, you can do what you want with your dog's coat. Its been hot lately, even my hairless dog doesnt want to do much. Today he layed down in the grass to sun himself when he was suppossed to be doing his buisiness!

Encourage activity when its cooler outside, like early in the morning, or later in the evening. Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh, cool water to drink too.

By the way.. most show people do their own grooming. Many groomers do not know how to do a proper show cut, and its also imporant to know how to groom your dog incase you need to do any last minute touches before your dog goes out in the ring.

Westie grooming question. If the hair is kept matt free, does it need to be clipped in hot weather?

As long as the dog is clean and mat-free, there's no reason you shouldn't keep the coat any length you want to. I understand about some groomers not knowing how the westie *should* look. Only one other groomer in my area besides myself knows how to clip a westie properly. There are probably 25-30 groomers in the area.

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