Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How do I get my hair parting to move closer to the left or right and STAY THERE!!?

I really don't want alot of hair in my eyes with any of your suggestions, my hair parting is currently in the centre and it doesn't do my face any favours in looks...

I havn't tried much really yet, but I do know when I comb it that way, it just covers my eyes-which is irritating.

I'm just trying to find a way to manipulate the parting into moving closer to the left or right of my head rather than the centre-without having to deal with hair constantly falling into my eyes or having to wear silly hair clips. PLEASE HELP!! xx

How do I get my hair parting to move closer to the left or right and STAY THERE!!?

Flexible hold hair spray. Put a little in your hair while it is still wet. You can add more if needed when it dries.

How do I get my hair parting to move closer to the left or right and STAY THERE!!?

aveda styling creme.. the gell.. works wonders :)

How do I get my hair parting to move closer to the left or right and STAY THERE!!?

As soon as you get out of the shower part it slightly and keep brushing it. If this doesn't work you should just go to the hairdresser and ask a professional.

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